Sail's Pedagogy

Sail's posts about her class, classes she is taking, and education.

Welcome to Sail’s Pedagogy

instructional designer, progressive educator, digital evangelist, virtual worlds explorer, social media addict, graphic artist and photographer

Sail Wozniak (Second Life avatar)

This blog was started when I was teaching a class in media literacy. I have continued it because I can link to some of the most important postings I have found on the internet. Those that reflect my thoughts and ideas. I have participated in several MOOC’s where blogging was part of the course. I also continue to participate in a couple of great online communities.

Hugh MacLeod

Previous Class that I created and taught.


Watch This Academic’s Moving Speech on How Virtual Worlds Can Help People With Disabilities

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Connnected Courses – another MOOC

I usually lurk in most of these courses. Not because I do not feel a part of them.. it is just me. I have been “lurking” since The Well. I was fortunate to be on the internet early on and have watch it evolve. I have been involved with MOOC’s since their beginning and I am a Howard Rheingold University alum. 

But now, like Howard I see my end in all of this and hope to be creating more art and gardening soon. Maybe we can set up a senior group of some kind –  a online retirement home for us. At least I just saw an research article that said old people who use social media have less of a problem with their memory and depression than others. Maybe my PLN and addiction to MOOCs will keep my mind sharp in my old age.  I can be digitally forever young (Second Lilfe).

I had high hopes, but the change has been slow. I even got a Masters of Education in eLearning late in life hoping to help people/businesses/institutions make a change, but finding a job has been hard. I do work at a University now starting as a temp and now full time working on the department website, graphics and social media, but most of the faculty do not have much more than a website for their labs. Even the youngsters working on their PhD seem hesitant to be online much beyond LinkedIn.

As far as education in this research environment.. well.. it is still old school. They identify themselves as “research scientists” and not “teaching” professors. As one of recently stated “If I put up videos, they will not go to class”. One of our professors who was teaching is retiring. He was old school, but he cared and his students loved him. He would go out of his way to make sure everyone understood what he was talking about. Now 6 people who have never taught undergrads are teaching that class. Two are close to 70 years old, and 2 – well.. trying to be politically correct, English is not their native language. None of these 6 want to do this, they can either leave or teach a basic science class. I was so mad… I was walking down the hall, saying under my breath, “let it go”…. “let it go”…  Then, I had to organize the class into folders for each of them and the other day, I was copying the first test for them (yes, scantron – because the grades are adjusted) ….I almost cried….

I can see the disruption going on around the universities. It is everywhere, but few here seem to notice it. The ivy tower has kept these people protected from the world around them. The department chair was much shaken the other day, when she realized some of these people are going to lose their jobs soon. Research is not only losing money, it too is evolving. Right now I am listening to the NIH talk about moving research into “big data” and away from publication. The equipment the students are using in the labs are becoming quickly obsolete.




How to teach a MOOC!

The best MOOC professor at Coursera. He does not promote his school nor himself…. he just teaches. 

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Why MOOC’s and Klan Academy!!!!!

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Kid President’s Letter To A Person On Their First Day Here

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MOOCs: Charles Severance at TEDxKalamazoo

Great class, especially if you have never done online learning before.

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Non-profit feeding kids, second life and music

The Drax Files: World Makers [ Episode 16: Feed A Smile]

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Anant Agarwal: Why massive open online courses (still) matter


“I am a MOOC addict!”

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The Lost 1984 Video: young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

For the story behind this video go to

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Happy Birthday Apple

You changed my life 25 years ago… when as a pasteup artist, the little advertising newspaper in California I worked at got a couple of macs in. They were just black and white –not even grayscale. But this began the role to me becoming a graphic artist. 

Thanks you Steve Jobs!

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